Map - Maracaibo (Municipio Maracaibo)

Maracaibo (Municipio Maracaibo)
Maracaibo is a city and municipality in northwestern Venezuela, on the western shore of the strait that connects Lake Maracaibo to the Gulf of Venezuela. It is the second-largest city in Venezuela, after the national capital, Caracas, and the capital of the state of Zulia. The population of the city is approximately 2,658,355 with the metropolitan area estimated at 5,278,448. Maracaibo is nicknamed "The Beloved Land of the Sun" (La Tierra del Sol Amada).

Maracaibo is considered the economic center of western Venezuela, owing to the petroleum industry that developed in the shores of Lake Maracaibo. It is sometimes known as "The First City of Venezuela", for being the first city in Venezuela to adopt various types of public services, including electricity, as well as for being located in the shores of Lake Maracaibo, where the name of Venezuela allegedly originates.

Early indigenous settlements around the area were of Arawak and Carib origin. Maracaibo's founding date is disputed. There were failed attempts to found the city—in 1529, by Captain Ambrosio Ehinger, and in 1569, by Captain Alonso Pacheco. Founded in 1574 as Nueva Zamora de la Laguna de Maracaibo by Captain Pedro Maldonado, the city became a transshipment point for inland settlements after Gibraltar, at the head of the lake, had been destroyed by pirates in 1669. It was not until the first decades of the 17th century that the first town was settled. Petroleum was discovered in 1917, leading to a large increase in population from migration.

Maracaibo is served by La Chinita International Airport. The General Rafael Urdaneta Bridge connects Maracaibo to the rest of the country.

The name Maracaibo is said to come from the brave cacique (Indigenous chief) Mara, a young native who valiantly resisted the Spaniards and died fighting them. Legend says that when Mara fell, the Coquivacoa shouted "Mara kayó!" (Mara fell!), thus originating the city name—although it would be strange for them to shout in Spanish. Other historians say that the first name of this land in the local language was "Maara-iwo" meaning "Place where serpents abound".

Map - Maracaibo (Municipio Maracaibo)
Google Earth - Map - Maracaibo
Google Earth
Openstreetmap - Map - Maracaibo
Map - Maracaibo - Esri.WorldImagery
Map - Maracaibo - Esri.WorldStreetMap
Map - Maracaibo - OpenStreetMap.Mapnik
Map - Maracaibo - OpenStreetMap.HOT
Map - Maracaibo - OpenTopoMap
Map - Maracaibo - CartoDB.Positron
Map - Maracaibo - CartoDB.Voyager
Map - Maracaibo - OpenMapSurfer.Roads
Map - Maracaibo - Esri.WorldTopoMap
Map - Maracaibo - Stamen.TonerLite
Country - Venezuela
Currency / Language  
ISO Currency Symbol Significant figures
VES Venezuelan bolívar BsS. or Bs. 2
ISO Language
ES Spanish language
Neighbourhood - Country  
  •  Brazil 
  •  Colombia 
  •  Guyana 
Administrative Subdivision
City, Village,...